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Friends of TYC


Organized in 2006, Friends of Trinity Youth Conference is a 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation that exists to support the ministry of the Trinity Youth Conference (TYC). The corporation’s purpose is to solicit technical and staff volunteers and funds to support, maintain, and expand TYC’s ministry to high school and college age youths. The funds and other resources obtained through the activities of the Corporation are used to provide direct financial support, publicity, logistics, and other resource needs of TYC. Friends of TYC assumed full financial and operational control of TYC from the Synod of the Trinity (Synod) in 2011, after it elected to cut financial support of its several longstanding Mission Networks.

Since its inception, Friends of TYC has been instrumental in providing for the financial and material needs of TYC even as the support the conference once enjoyed from the Synod of the Trinity waned and eventually altogether disappeared. Friends of TYC now provides for the insurance needs of TYC through its general liability policy. It has also purchased two canopies, which are used for workshop/small group (H.T.) meeting space. A good deal of the money taken-in by Friends of TYC has been awarded to TYC participants as “camperships.”

The Friends of TYC, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation established to support TYC, needs your help. Please prayerfully consider how God may be calling you to help sustain and grow the important ministry of Trinity Youth Conference. You can:

Pray for TYC. Pray for its ministry to high school youth and college-age young adults and its role in the life of the Church. Pray for TYC’s volunteer leadership – that through their sacrifice and example, the youth of today will be mentored, equipped, and enabled to be the church leaders and parishioners God calls them to be. Pray for the participants – that they may grow in their faith and service to Jesus Christ and hold each other accountable as they live their lives as God’s chosen people, and as part of the TYC community.

Volunteer. Volunteer to help with fundraising efforts or to help organize a TYC alumni event. Volunteer to help the Friends of TYC reach those people from your time at TYC that we may no longer have contact with. Volunteer to share your TYC experience with your church leaders and membership and explain to them why TYC is important to you/your faith. Volunteer to talk about TYC during a “minute for mission” during worship at your church. Volunteer to print and distribute brochures at your church and in your community. Volunteer your gifts, services, and expertise, whatever they may be, to help support the Friends of TYC as it endeavors to sustain and grow the ministry of TYC.

Recruit. Reach out to the high school youth and college age young adults in your church and strike up a conversation with them. Talk to them about TYC and the amazing community of brothers and sisters in Christ they could (and should) be a part of. Take an interest in their lives and be real with them. Be a mentor to them. Talk to your Pastor or Director of Youth Ministries about TYC over a cup of coffee and develop a strategy for getting at least one youth to give TYC a try this year. Be instrumental in getting your church leadership to set aside funding to be used in sponsoring its youth once they register.

Stay in touch, and reach out to us (and others) for help as you go about doing the above. We are, after all, a TYC family, and families exist to love and support one another.


Contact Us

Friends of Trinity Youth Conference

5 Perch Place

Lititz, PA 17543

(717) 468-6106


About the Friends of TYC Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Friends of Trinity Youth Conference consists of five officers and up to six additional board members. The officers of the board make up the Executive Committee. Presently, the officers of the Board include the following persons:

President: vacant (2025)

Vice President for Mission Interpretation: Phil Beck (2025)

Vice President for Fundraising: Kelsey Blaine (2025)

Secretary: James Hilliard (2025)

Treasurer: Jason Best (2025)

The non-officer directors of the board include the following persons:

Nellie Hestin (2025)

Chaya Matos (2026)

Non-officer directors are to be drawn from:

Up to three individuals with at least three years of TYC participation as a youth.

One individual who is, or has been, a TYC staff member.

One individual who is a parent of a current or previous TYC participant.

One individual that is an “at-large” board member.

Officers of the Board serve three-year terms. All non-officer Board members serve two-year terms.


About the TYC logo

  • The Cross, the central symbol of the Christian faith and representative of the Risen Christ who stands at the center of life in the TYC community.

  • The Triquetra is a three-part interlocking fish symbol that symbolizes the Christian trinity.

  • The position of the Triquetra over the center of the cross brings to mind the Celtic Cross symbolizing the Scottish heritage of the Presbyterian Church.

  • The Clasped Hands symbolize the tightly bonded community built around our love and common faith in Christ.

  • The Hands Holding the Cross symbolize the mission of TYC to support the Church of Jesus Christ by strengthening the people of God and developing young leaders.

  • The Color Blue is the traditional color of the Presbyterian Church recalling our Scottish heritage and Reformed Faith.

The TYC logo is loosely based on a design created by former Trinity Youth Conference participant, Scott Klinger.



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